Project Description

Watch “Universitas”
Soy Cámara (I Am a Camera) «Universitas»
- Screenwriter: Èrika Sánchez
- Direction and editing: Juan Carlos Rodríguez and Èrika Sánchez
- Produced by CCCB (Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona) and RTVE (Spanish Radio and Television Corporation).
This program approaches the complex reality of the Spanish public university through the voices of some of the agents involved: professors from different disciplines, doctors, researchers, alumni and students. We find an institution in crisis, caused by its difficulty in adjusting to neoliberal society. The protected space of knowledge that was once university, now marked by an imperative of pragmatism, sees how its sense and function of origin are thoroughly transformed. With the interventions of Aida Sánchez (former professor of the University of Barcelona, UB), Joana Masó (professor of French Studies of the UB), Fina Birulés (professor of Philosophy at UB), Ramon Sangüesa (professor on leave of absence at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, UPC), Laura Benítez (PhD in Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, UAB), Irene Coll (Bachelor of Humanities at UAB), Ana Vidal (Associate Professor at UB), Carlos Scolari (Senior Professor at Pompeu Fabra University, UPF) and Daniel Valdivia (4th year student at UPF).